Title of the document

 As a concerned, busy parent, homeschooling can  a challenge like no other.

You know you need to learn more about homeschooling, and you’re worried that down the line what you don't know is going to mess them up.

This scenario is all too familiar:
You’re looking for a new curriculum or solution to a problem for your child, so you go onto Facebook and ask other parents in your homeschooling group what they’re using.
25 people comment on 25 different resources and ideas. 
You are left more confused and uncertain than when you started. 
What you really need is a way to take the guesswork and trial-and-error out of homeschooling.
You need someone to help you figure out what works for your family's individual needs.

There’s nothing scarier than imagining the State coming after your kids or them not having opportunities for their future because you didn’t check all the right boxes. 

 “What’s the proper way to keep track of my records and develop transcripts?”
“How do I submit a formal withdrawal letter for school?”
“Who do I contact for required tests?”
You’ve visited every recommended website, parenting blog and homeschool forums on the Internet—but you’re still unsure about all of the requirements. 
And you know you need someone to help you make sure you have your ducks in a row.

Balancing being a parent, a homeschooler and possibly working can feel like fighting a battle you can’t win. 

There are only 24 hours in a day, but there’s no possible way to complete your to-do list in so little time. 
Balancing being a parent, homeschooling and working (even from home) is overwhelming—and you do it every single day! 
The time between dinner and going to bed is like a mad dash of chaos.
You try to maintain a daily routine (but anything can throw it off and something almost always does).
Trying to keep the peace in your house between siblings feels like foreign negotiations.
Book a free planning session to find out if this is right for you!

I know how you feel...

I've been there too...

As a high school English teacher, I never followed the system. I always searched for better methods to help increase motivation and student success. 

After trying many techniques and strategies, I realized the system didn’t want to change. 

So I decided to homeschool, but my son and I quickly hated “school.”  We were both crying every day! 

I knew this was not how it’s supposed to be.

I stopped everything, reset, and I realized I was box-checking, which I knew didn't work in school!  

Now we have the most amazing family relationships and rich love of learning culture! I realized recently that my teen son is a lifelong learner, and I couldn't undo it if I tried!

When I noticed other families wondering if homeschooling might be right for them, I knew that they would go through the same problems I had when I first started out—even though I was a teacher!

This was my AHA moment!  💡

I knew, based on my own study, experience and mentoring, that I could help homeschool parents and created the Inspiring Lifelong Learning Program. 

In this work, I have found my true callinghelping families inspire their children to be life-long learners, nurture a passion for freedom, and discover their unique mission through the Inspiring Lifelong Learning Program!

There is a way to take the frustration, uncertainty and guesswork out of homeschooling...

Gain the confidence you need to take the leap of faith into homeschooling & improve your results if you already are!

Imagine you have clearly defined educational goals and vision, and you know your preferred homeschooling methodology, making you feel confident everyday about your homeschooling journey! 

Then you get to start each school day feeling sure about your routines, curriculum and your children's progress.

Learn how to inspire your children to be passionate, life-long learners.

Create routines, schedules and systems that intentionally get you to your goals and make life easier.

Strategies to increase the love of learning culture in your family.

Create a simplified, inspirational environment in your home!

Foster natural curiosity and eagerness to learn.

Nurture the close family relationships and confident kids you always dreamed of.

Help your kids discover their individual talents and unique mission in the world.

Find fun, engaging ways to nurture their strengths.

Experience the joy of family discussions, learning, and sharing that inspires learning!

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Inspiring Lifelong Learning Program

A Program Designed for Parents Who Want to Confidently Homeschool Their Children, Instill a Lifelong Love of Learning & Create Close Family Relationships

(Formerly the Homeschool Success Club)
Title of the document

Title of the document

Book a free planning session to find out if this is right for you!

What’s inside the Inspiring Lifelong Learning Program?

Pre-Recorded Video Lessons

  • Access to member resources and lessons.  Learn at your own pace!
  • Each lesson will give you training on specific homeschooling topics (adaptable to most age groups), including strategies to implement right away.
  • Lessons follow the checkpoints in The Raising Leaders Roadmap (See below)!


Bi-Monthly 60 min Live Group Mentoring

  • Live mentoring and Q & A.
  • 1st Thursday morning & 3rd Thursday afternoon of every month on Zoom 
  • Association with other homeschooling parents.

Detailed Worksheets, Printable Info & BONUS Templates!

These comprehensive worksheets combined with the planners will walk you through reflecting on what you already have done, where you want to go and an action plan to get you there!
They will help you through setting your educational philosophy/methodology, vision and goals, scheduling and routines and more! 
You'll get all the information in printable format to keep forever!



Course Descriptions
Sample School Withdrawal Letter
Recommended Reading List
Love of Learning Assessment
*Homeschool Success Parent Planner & Recordbook (51 pages!) **Student Version as well!
*Also, you'll have access to a private Facebook group with other parents gaining a sense of community, a support system, network, encouragement and ask questions, get opinions or feedback.

The Raising Leaders Roadmap - Student Level

Every lesson follows these checkpoints:


Checkpoint 1: Why You Won't Mess Your Kids Up!
Checkpoint 2: The One Thing That Directs Your Homeschool
Checkpoint 3: How to Make Sure Your Kids Will Become Life-Long Learners
Checkpoint 4: Recordkeeping Made Easy!
Checkpoint 5: The Thinking Shift That Makes All the Difference
Checkpoint 6: Before Choosing Curriculum, Do This!
Checkpoint 7: How You Can Make Sure You Hit Your Goals
Checkpoint 8: Creating Effective Routines, Working While Homeschooling
Checkpoint 9: What Should Your Day Actually Look Like?
Checkpoint 10: You CAN Be An Inspiring Mentor to Your Kids!
Checkpoint 11: What To Do When It's Not Working
Checkpoint 12: How To Create An Environment That Inspires Learning
*Ready to master homeschooling?  The Raising Leaders Roadmap - Pro Level is for you!  See Preparing Leaders Program.

12-Month Access

Total Value: $11,000

  • Access to member resources, lessons, worksheets and bi-monthly 60-min group laser mentoring.

  • Training on specific homeschooling topics with strategies and resources. 

  •  Bonus templates & planners you keep forever that follow The Raising Leaders Roadmap!

  • Live group Q & A  twice a month. 

  • Association with other homeschooling parents in an exclusive community. 

  • All lessons are recorded & available to re-watch. 

  • 7 days, full refund policy! See FAQ's at bottom of page.
Book a free planning session to find out if this is right for you!

*Discount for active duty military and fire/police!

See FAQ's at bottom of page.

Meet your Mentor

Hey There! I'm Kami Wanous!

I am a credentialed teacher with over 7 years teaching experience in public education and homeschooler since 2008.

I live with my husband, Eric, and son in Northern California. 

My study and teaching background is in English, leadership, freedom and success principles. She have a deep passion for freedom and education which is evident in my educational mentoring services and free content on social media. 

My mission is to heal families through creating a rich Love of Learning culture and environment, resulting in life-long, passionate, mission-driven leaders and close family relationships that move society in their unique way toward freedom

I have been honored to be featured on CBS News, guest writer and speaker for many homeschooling conventions, blogs, magazines, podcasts and YouTube channels, including the Thomas Jefferson Education Homeschooling Convention veterans' panel.

What other’s are saying about the Inspiring Lifelong Learning Program:

Katya Rodriguez

New Homeschooler, Mother of 2

Before starting the Inspiring Lifelong Learning Program I was lost in what I needed to do to prepare for home-schooling my sons. This is our first year of homeschooling and there was just so much information out there that I was overwhelmed. I wanted to make sure I wasn’t going to mess it up. This was why I joined the program, it helped me understand the types of learning approaches available from Montessori, Charlotte Mason, to Thomas Jefferson Education. Kami provides lots of examples of learning strategies to learning examples. Kami gives you the tools to prepare yourself for what you will need to teach your kids. You also get resources from Kami-  calendar, to note-taking templates. Any questions I had Kami answered them in a timely manner and was able to ease my nerves. Thanks to Kami and the Inspiring Lifelong Learning group I feel ready to start this new journey with my sons. Going forward I now have a group I can turn to get support, ideas, or answers to any questions I may have."

Irene Enriquez

Veteran Homeschooler, Mother of 2


“I was nervous going into this school year since we were transitioning from being with a homeschool charter for 5+ years to filing a PSA (independent homeschool) for the first time. Inspiring Lifelong Learning was just what I needed to give me the confidence boost to start this year off strong. Not only does Kami cover the nitty gritty of homeschooling (e.g. state requirements, recording keeping, etc.) which was my main reason for enrolling in the course, but she also opened my mind up to the possibilities of what homeschool could look like for my family. It doesn’t need to be school at home; it can be an environment rich with a love for learning. My main takeaways that I hope to infuse my home with are “inspire not require” and “you, not them” – my example of what I’m doing to grow myself sets the stage to inspire my kids to love what they are learning. Thank you, Kami!"

Claudia Houston

Veteran Homeschooler Mother of 2


“Kami will help you unleash your questions and doubts about what road is best to take for your homeschool journey. This will help your children in the long run to take the right direction to accomplish what they want at the end of the day. Kami’s program is an investment in yourself. You can save your energy, time, and expense, and have the pleasure of knowing that you place the ladder exactly where you are heading."


Anayely Lara

Veteran Homeschooler Mother of 3

"I loved the course!"  It was very informative and it opened my eyes to what homeschooling can be.  Kami is a great mentor and motivator."

Book a free planning session to see if this is right for you!